What are the Requirement for a Game Streamer

1. Computer Setup

Before live we need to prepare some things, first we need a desktop computer which is of course, about the computer configuration we recommend the higher the better, if the game alone is not running smooth computer, open live will become more card, which will very much affect the quality of live.

In addition, if the computer configuration is not enough will also cause the output resolution can only be adjusted to the lowest, then the live interface will be very blurred, affecting the audience's viewing experience. So this is the first threshold of the game live, computer configuration must be good.

2. Internet Speed

The second threshold of the game live is the network speed, we generally recommend that broadband at least 4M above and then consider the game live, otherwise the upload speed will make the live very card, that basically there is no way to see. About broadband also need to pay attention to the uplink speed, is also the higher the better.

3. Cameras and Microphones

Game anchor is not just play the game on it, but also have to chat and interact with the fans, so that the fan base back more and more good.

4. Streaming Platform

Finally you need a live channel, now there are numerous domestic live platform can be registered, register an account to apply for a room or channel is good, there is no difficulty. These are some of the more mainstream domestic live platform: Douyu, YY, PLU, 17173.

This picture is provided by the registered user "Knowledge Jun", copyright statement feedback

5. Game Experiences

The anchor must first be a senior player of the game, otherwise it will be difficult to explain the game. Of course, you also need to invest a lot of time to personally play a lot of games, enough to be familiar with a game to explain some strategy. There are three main kinds of e-sports anchors that can get hot today, one is the one with language talent such as Xiaozhi; there are also those who have retired from professional players and have a better image, such as Ruo Feng and MISS; the third is from grassroots players who have also gained some achievements.

6、Language Expression Ability

Domestic income list in the top 20 anchors, there are 12 is from the professional players transition, the proportion of 60%. And 90% of the e-sports players are very good at the game but can't say, and even some can't open their mouths to the camera. So having good expression ability is a must.

How to do a qualified game streamer?

Game live female live career introduction

Nowadays, the game live industry is in full swing, it seems that the loss of the game anchor a role, the game live lost its appeal. In fact, the game anchor is similar to the online live room beauty live, the game anchor is mostly some cute girls, in order to attract a large number of loser male players, and this is a very good treatment of the profession, but the threshold is not so low, only rely on the high value of the face is far from enough.

Not just survive by being cute and facially attractive

As a qualified beauty game anchor, not only to face value over, but also to have a considerable professional professional skills. Generally, the anchor of a game can only be responsible for explaining a certain game, it is difficult to explain more than one game at the same time. The main reason is that the anchor must first be a senior player of the game, otherwise it will be difficult to explain the game. Of course, you also need to invest a lot of time to play many games personally, enough to be familiar with a certain game before you can explain some strategy. But the advantage of looks can really get many male players, after all, look at the beauty anchor is also a kind of eye-candy.

The interest chain behind the beauty anchor

The income of the beautiful game anchor is quite high, there is a monthly income of more than ten thousand, there are even tens of thousands of monthly income. This has formed a very complete interest chain behind it. The income of the anchor consists of base salary plus commission, in fact, the main commission is very high, usually ordinary users rewarded, can buy the platform of virtual coins to give to the beauty anchor. Such users are usually tycoon players who want to use this to get to know the beauty anchor, and of course the anchor will actively interact with the fans. High popularity means higher income, so the beauty anchors must attract the crowd by selling cute, singing and other talents.

The game anchor is playing rubbish?

There are some beauty anchors that are basically playing the game, and once the scale is bigger it becomes an unhealthy video performance. So this industry should be strictly supervised, the same game anchor is similar. In order to benefit and income, the platform or practitioners want to attract attention, and the domestic young male population is the main force of the game industry. The number of male game anchors is very small, so the live game will definitely choose the beautiful female anchors. It is difficult to have a standard for the grasp of the scale, the key is the supervision of the live game platform is in place.

With the booming development of the gaming industry, game anchors have become a popular profession, in order to earn more business commission. There are definitely anchors who do not compromise, through some large scale performances to earn clicks, as well as admirers of the fan users. After all, it is directly linked to their income, so the platform should change the business commission model of the game anchors.

Three, the main anchor to make money in four main ways

1. Wage commission to make money

When you join the anchor of a channel, you can enjoy the official salary treatment to you, the salary is divided into a fixed salary and commission, when your anchor does a great job, can attract more and more people, you will get the salary commission, therefore, training the anchor's ability to host, to attract the crowd is also very important.

2. Fame and money

When you anchor for a period of time, you will attract a large number of fans, then your fame will become bigger and bigger, and your expertise will become more and more skilled, so you can open courses to make money, use fame, consulting training to make money and so on.

3. Cooperation to make money

When you have a certain fame, many businesses and enterprises will look for you to cooperate, you will have a lot of resources to use, you can take advertising, do publicity, provide customers for the business, provide products for fans and other ways to earn profits.

4. Self-media to make money

Open your own microblogging, WeChat and other self media accounts to attract a large number of fans to pay attention to. So you will become a celebrity, and master a very large number of fans of self-media, then you can forward share some business advertising, pick up the enterprise's brand publicity to make money.